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What is Hanbiuga?

版描画とは             版描画の商標登録証
                                    2006年 商標登録された 。2016年7月19日継続登録された。
It was registered as a trademark in 2006.It was continuously registered on July 19, 2016.

Hidemitsu Jimbo mastered the perforating technique from 1967, he was involved as a writer from the time of craftsmanship, and continued to be concerned with the color of his mind, while noticing that there are colors and shapes that can be drawn out because of the version.

While trial and error while devising its own ideas, colors that could not be seen until now have come out and further improvements were continued, but Hanbiyouga had become a unique world without an unprecedented example, It is the world of.

☆ One of the main methods is to use a plate instead of a brush, a pending knife, etc. to be used as a tool to draw   a picture, a subtle color to be drawn out by placing hundreds of steps from dozens of steps in one work I am    cherished.
☆ By using a plate also for miniature painting, unique expression can be done.
☆ By using other features of the plate, new expression can be drawn.
(点の集合で、表現する画法である点描画) (線で表現する線描画)
☆ (Point drawing, which is a method of expressing, in a set of points) (line drawing expressed by   a line)
☆ Hanbiuga is a method of expressing using features and characteristics of a plate.

版描画 ・ 光を色に

Main feature of Hanbiuga
Not in the field of printmaking
  版は使用するが、複数取りが目的では無いので、何十版、百版以上使っても一点のみで、複 数作同じような作品を仕上げても、微妙な違いが出るので別種となる。

The version is used, but since it is not intended for multiple purposes, even if you use dozens of editions, more than one hundred editions, only one point, even if you finish similar works of multiple works, it will be a different kind as it makes subtle differences

 2 版で部分仕上げしながら、多工程にて描いているので、印刷物のように同種にはならない。

* Drawing in multiple steps while partial finishing with version, it will not be like the    same as printed matter.


* The color drawn from the multi-step finish changes to move, depending on the     amount of light and the viewing angle.

  主な色材は、顔料・岩砕を調合、調色しながら使用している。場合によっては他の色材を混  入する事もある。2017年より日本画材を色材として制作している。

* Main color materials are used while mixing and toning pigment / rock crushing. In    some cases, other color materials may be mixed. Since 2017 we are producing     Japanese painting materials as color materials.
* Canvas site uses paper, washi paper or garbage, but canvas other can be used.

* Because it is concerned with the color you want to withdraw, tools you think are necessary may be made independently.
  スケッチ現場等の、様々な出会いで受けた、思いとか印象を詩に書き留め、同時にスケッチ  現場を描く、その時の色は、独自の製法だからこそ引き出せる思いの色に拘り、仕上げている

* Write down the feelings or impressions received in various encounters, such as sketch  scenes, in poetry, draw simultaneously the sketching scene at the same time, the color  at that time is insisting on the color of the thought that can be drawn out as it is its own  manufacturing method, finishing up

* After that, I will add the things that seem to be features of plate drawing at any time.

As of 2017 Profile
