( ;FF[3]GM[1]AP[PocketGoban Ver 0.999] SZ[19]HA[4]PB[Hirayan]PW[smile_ace] DT[2008-04-09] KM[0] AB[dd][pp][pd][dp] ;W[cn];B[fq];W[ci];B[fd];W[qf];B[nd];W[pj];B[jc];W[nq];B[qn] ;W[je];B[jd];W[ke](;B[ld];W[qc];B[qd];W[pb];B[pc];W[rb](;B[ob] ;W[rd];B[pa];W[jq]C[Upper right It is dissatisfied that Black became "gote".] ;B[bp];W[hd];LB[ce:]B[hc]C[ Black move 26 is "kikasre". Black a is superior to black 26.] ;W[qq];B[pq];W[pr];B[qp];W[rr];B[rq];W[qr];B[ql];W[cd];B[cc] ;W[bc];B[ce];W[bd];B[cb];W[de];B[ed];W[cf];B[ee];W[df];B[le]C[ Because the upper side is a firm area of Black, a overconcentrated shape (korigatachi) was made from black 46.] ;W[qk];B[pl];W[co];B[cp];W[fo];B[lg];W[jj];LB[fg:]B[fh]C[ Blacj a is superior to black 54. And, if White enclose the center, it is a black strategy success, because enclosing a territory in the center is not efficient..] ;W[fg];B[gg];W[ff];B[gf];W[gh]C[ This game became difficult to Black for black 54, because black 54 made White's thickness to work better.] ;B[eh](;TR[fe][eg][dg][cg][bf]W[ef]C[white61 Smile_ace Judged that white61 is a best move, because 1.White group's dame(liberties) are 5 (triangles, it's most) 2.white61 takes off a black44's liberty ] ;B[gi];W[hh];B[ge];W[ig];B[en];W[eo];B[cm];W[bm];B[cl];W[bl] ;LB[el:][do:]B[dn];W[do];B[el]C[ It is a beautiful shape to exchange neither black72 nor white73.] ;W[fj];B[gl];W[gj];B[dj];W[fn];B[fm];W[ck];B[dl];W[gq];B[gr] ;W[fr];B[er];W[fk];B[hk];W[hj];B[ik];W[jk];B[jl];W[fl];B[kn] ;W[kl];B[jm];W[em];B[dm];W[gm];B[gn];W[dk];B[hm];W[ek]C[white101 It was necessary to select white102. white103 It was necessary to play elsewhere (tenuki). ] ;B[qg];W[pg];B[pf];W[rf];B[qi];W[rl];B[rm];LB[of:][pe:][re:]W[rg]C[ It was necessary to exchange white-a and black-b, because white-111 erased black-c (generated by black-b).] ;B[pi];W[oj];B[og];W[qh];B[oh];W[mi];B[if];W[kg];B[li];W[lj] ;B[ki];W[ie];B[kj];W[kk];B[mj];W[lk];B[mk];W[ni];B[lh](;W[ml] ;B[nk];W[ri];B[rj];W[rk];B[si];W[sh];B[rh];W[ol];B[sg];W[pk] ;B[qb];W[ro];B[rp];W[pn];B[on];W[om];B[po];W[pm];B[oq];W[nr] ;B[or];W[os];B[np];W[ln];B[no];W[jo];B[nm];W[mn];B[nn];W[nl] ;B[rn];W[lq];B[ih](;W[jh];B[ii];W[ji];B[hg];W[jg];B[hi];W[ij] ;B[ch] )(;W[ii];B[jh];W[hg]C[white-165 White-165 at this game was a move of losing this game. If White selected moves like this change chart, White might win this game. ] ) )( ;W[nl];B[ml];W[mm] ) )(;LB[ef:][eg:]TR[fe][dh][cg][bf]W[dg]C[ When white 61 was selected like this change chart, White group's dame(liberties) are 4 (triangles, it isn't most). a and b are not dame(liberties), because they are forcing moves.] ) )( ;B[rc];W[qb];B[ob];W[rd];B[re];W[sc];B[qe]C[ When black 21 and white 22 are exchanged, Black can enclose the White group in the corner.] ) )( ;B[ie];W[if];B[he];W[cc];B[cd];W[db];B[fb];W[bd];B[be];W[bc] ;B[cf];W[jq];B[ad](;W[ac];B[da];W[eb];B[ea];W[ca];B[bb];W[fc] ;B[gb];W[fa];B[ea]C[ At upper left corner, white 3-3 makes gote-iki. If White plays elsewhere like this change chart, white group may die. ] )( ;W[eb];B[ea](;W[da];B[ac];W[ab];B[ba];W[ae];B[ad];W[fc];B[gc] ;W[ec];B[hb];W[ed];B[ee] )(;W[bb];B[ac];W[ab];B[ca];W[da];B[ba] ;W[fc];B[gc];W[ec];B[hb];W[ae];B[ad] ) ) ) )