( ;FF[3]GM[1]AP[PocketGoban Ver 0.999] SZ[19]HA[2]PB[Yasui Shunchi]PW[Honinbo Dosaku] DT[1683-11-19] PC[Japan]RE[B+1]SO[http://gobase.org/games/japan/misc/disks/dosaku/dosak24x.sgf]US[Converted by sgf2misc-2.7.2]KM[0] AB[dp][pd]C[ UC: "Dosaku's Masterpiece" UC: Commentary adapted from commentaries by Ohira Shuzo and Go Seigen.] ;W[cd];B[ec];W[nc];B[qg]C[ Black 4. The ogeima used to be the standard response to the kogeima kakari UC: against hoshi.] ;W[ic];B[qp]C[ UC: 6 is in the wrong direction.] ;W[oq];B[lq];W[dc];B[cm]C[ UC: 10 is an old-style move.] ;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe]C[ UC: 14 is a suspect move.] ;W[re];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc]C[ UC: This result is bad for Black. White can expose his weak points with A or B.] ;W[qm];B[po];W[qj]C[ UC: 23 is effectively sente.] ;B[nd]C[ UC: Black cannot allow White to follow up at 24.] ;W[ed];B[cj]C[ UC: 26 is too small-scale and low.] ;W[lp]C[ UC: 27 is an aggressive move.] ;B[kp];W[mq];B[lo]C[ UC: 30 is slightly dubious.] ;W[mp];B[kq];W[on];B[pq];W[ko];B[jo]C[ UC: Black has to sacrifice the t stone.] ;W[kn];B[jn];W[ip]C[ UC: 39 is an excellent countermeasure to Black's sequence, and is the main UC: reason why t would have been better left unplayed.] ;B[km];W[ln];B[jp];W[fq]C[ UC: 43 is an attempt to settle White quickly.] ;B[eq];W[fp];B[hq];W[iq];B[hp];W[do];B[co];W[dn];B[cn];W[er] ;B[dr];W[gr];B[hr];W[cq];B[es]C[ UC: 58 is a good answer to White's invasion. ] ;W[dq]C[ UC: 59, starting a ko, is inevitable.] ;B[fr];W[ep];B[cp];W[er];B[lm]C[ UC: 64 is a valid ko threat but is also aji-keshi.] ;W[mn];B[eq];W[pr]C[ UC: Black has no more valid threats, so he has to ignore 67.] ;B[er];W[qr]C[ UC: He has to connect the ko, but White gains from the exchange.] ;B[rf]C[ UC: 70 has been almost universally condemned as a poor move. (Some people think UC: Black may have been aiming at A on the right side, but 70 seems to have no UC: effect on this possibility.)] ;W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[lc];W[lb];B[oa]C[ UC: After 76, White is happy to abandon the corner in sente.] ;W[kc];B[rd];W[ho];B[go];W[gn];B[hn];W[io];B[ir]C[ UC: Black 84 is submissive but necessary.] ;W[fo];B[gp]C[ UC: Black 86 is forced.] ;W[dj];B[ci]C[ UC: 88 is a solid move.] ;W[dl];B[cl];W[hm];B[in];W[cg];B[gm];W[fn];B[gl];W[gk]C[ UC: 97 is a nice tesuji for saving the white group.] ;B[hk]C[ UC: Black has to give way at 98.] ;W[gj];B[fl];W[el];B[ej];W[ei]C[ UC: 03 is another tesuji.] ;B[di];W[fk];B[hl];W[eh]C[ UC: White saves his group and builds up his top moyo.] ;B[dg]C[ UC: 08 is a strong move.] ;W[dh];B[ch];W[eg]C[ UC: 11 is necessary.] ;B[bg];W[df]C[ UC: Black is left with a large yose at A.] ;B[hj]C[ UC: 14 is a thick move aiming at the forcing hane of A.] ;W[md]C[ UC: 15 is probably the best White can do.] ;B[if];W[ne];B[oe];W[of]C[ UC: White's double hane is a good answer to the t erasing move.] ;B[ql];W[pl]C[ UC: White has no defence against 20.] ;B[qk];W[pk];B[rm];W[qn];B[rj];W[ri]C[ UC: 27 is a tesuji.] ;B[qi];W[pj];B[rk]C[ UC: There is some aji left in the t stone.] ;W[rn]C[ UC: Black destroys White's side territory in sente.] ;B[bf]C[ UC: This is the biggest move left, (about 15 points) and is sufficient to win UC: the game.] ;W[od]C[ UC: Capturing at 33 is White's privilege.] ;B[gi];W[ek];B[nd];W[hh];B[ih];W[od];B[pe];W[hg];B[ig];W[hf] ;B[hi];W[qh];B[rh];W[pi];B[si];W[sm]C[ UC: 49 is reverse sente.] ;B[sl];W[rl];B[dm];W[em];B[rm];W[sn];B[ad]C[ UC: Black could have played 56 almost any time he liked.] ;W[bc];B[he];W[ie];B[je];W[id];B[gf];W[ge];B[gg];W[hd];B[dk] ;W[fi];B[gh]C[ UC: The result to 68 is gote but it ruins White's territory and leaves behind UC: the possibility of capturing three stones.] ;W[sj];B[qi];W[rc];B[se];W[ri];B[sh]C[ UC: Black 74 is forced.] ;W[qi];B[mj];W[rl];B[en];W[fm]C[ UC: It's better for White to connect here and sacrifice two stones than to UC: capture.] ;B[rm];W[ml];B[mm];W[nm];B[ll];W[rl];B[mg]C[ UC: 86 is another good move. At this stage both players probably knew Black UC: would win by 1 point.] ;W[mk];B[lk];W[nj];B[nk];W[nl];B[ni];W[mi]C[ UC: 93 is a tesuji.] ;B[lj]C[ UC: Black has to connect at 94.] ;W[nh];B[oj];W[mh];B[lh];W[lg];B[li];W[kf];B[jf];W[kh];B[kg]C[ UC: 04 is a tesuji.] ;W[lf];B[rm];W[sd];B[sc];W[rl];B[eo];W[gq];B[gs];W[fj]C[ UC: 11 and 13 are only worth 3 points in reverse sente, but this is now big, and UC: it also leaves A and B as ko threats.] ;B[sb]C[ UC: 14 eliminates the dangerous ko that could develop if White played there.] ;W[jg];B[ki];W[lr]C[ UC: White 17 stops Black playing there in sente.] ;B[kr];W[be];B[ae];W[ac];B[rm];W[cr]C[ UC: White is threatening to live here with White A, Black B, White C.] ;B[br];W[rl];B[ff];W[cf]C[ UC: White's answer at 27 is essential.] ;B[fe];W[fd];B[rm];W[hs];B[is];W[rl];B[nd];W[me];B[rm];W[bh] ;B[bi];W[rl];B[he];W[hf];B[mr];W[nr];B[ls];W[sk];B[ke];W[le] ;B[og];W[ng];B[pf];W[ok];B[nf];W[oh];B[nj];W[dj];B[ah]C[ UC: Black has no option but to play 56 here.] ;W[ck];B[bk];W[af];B[ag];W[dk];B[hg];W[he];B[ee];W[de];B[jh] ;W[kg];B[na];W[ma];B[jd];W[jc];B[kd];W[ld];B[ns];W[os];B[ms] ;W[od] )